Friday 7 December 2012

#Microsoft attack #Google again...

Not for the first time Microsoft are making a direct attack on Google.  

As you can see from the following video Microsoft are going to great lengths to highlight that Google are promoting certain results on their Google Shopping pages.

Although the information is valid, it seems to lack a bit of class.

It isn't the first time that Microsoft have taken extreme measures to directly confront there competitors. As the following Gmail Man video shows

Wednesday 5 December 2012

#Office 2013 Compatability - no go for XP or Vista

Microsoft Office 2013 is nearly ready for the public to get there hands on, and Microsoft have started the marketing push with comments such as this.....

"The new Office works beautifully with touch, stylus, mouse or keyboard to give you the ultimate productivity experience. It brings the familiar Office experience to a wide range of new devices and gives you the best experience on Windows.*"

The asterisk in this sentence all important!  While Office 2013 works beautifully with Windows 7 or Windows 8, it offers no support for XP or Vista.